A Bug Poster

This bug poster was created for an Illustrator class. The assignment was to create a hybrid of insects using the mesh tool. When the instructor emphasized he didn't want anything "sissy" like a butterfly on a flower, I decided to create a poster as far from that description as possible. The insect name and myth are also fictional.

Created With:

Adobe Illustrator

Self Portrait Using Type

This was our final project for Typography class. We were to create self portraits in Adobe Illustrator by using entirely letters and symbols. Each facial feature is made up of phrases that describe it or at least have some association to it.

Created With:

Adobe Illustrator


I created the television in Illustrator using numerous layers and meshes. It was used to frame the content in an e-learning application about video games.

Created With:

Adobe Illustrator


This was the first assignment for our Illustrator course. We were to become familiar with the pen tool by tracing famous icons David Bowie, Errol Flynn, and Elvis.

Created With:

Adobe Illustrator

Parts of a Letter

This was for Typography class. The hard copy that I submitted used round mirrors in place of the white. There are also other letters in the series.

Created With:

Adobe Illustrator

Circuit Board

This was for my Illustrator class. It was created using the pen and gradient tools. The teacher was not pleased with my use of purple as it emasculated the circuit board in his mind.

Created With:

Adobe Illustrator

Sailor Boy

The Sailor Boy is one of the main characters in a children's book I've been wanting to make.

Created With:

Adobe Illustrator

Log Cabin

This is the first setting of a fantasy adventure game concept.

Created With:

Adobe Illustrator