Biography of Shigeru Miyamoto

The final project for a video editing course was to create a documentary on a famous person. I chose to do my documentary on Shigeru Miyomoto who created the Super Mario Brothers, Legend of Zelda, and Donkey Kong video game series. I am a huge fan of his games.

Created With:

Adobe Premiere

Biography of Shigeru Miyamoto

The final project for a video editing course was to create a documentary on a famous person. I chose to do my documentary on Shigeru Miyomoto who created the Super Mario Brothers, Legend of Zelda, and Donkey Kong video game series. I am a huge fan of his games.

Created With:

Adobe Premiere

Pokemon Apocalypse

This video was my final project in After Effects class. We were to create a product promotional video in After Effects while utilizing 3d tools, cameras, lights, puppet warp tools, and special effects. Pokemon Apocalypse is entirely fictional.

Created With:

After Effects

Gearworks Promotional Video

This was my midterm project for an After Effects course. We were to create a self-promotional video of our real or imagined businesses. I thought about Gearworks as a company name because of the association with production and invention. I then wanted continue with the theme of industrial creation.

Created With:

After Effects